Frontier Software


FILTER can be combined with an aggregate expression.

SELECT city, count(*) FILTER (WHERE temp_lo < 45), max(temp_lo)
FROM weather
GROUP BY city;
SELECT count(*) AS unfiltered, count(*) FILTER (WHERE i < 5) AS filtered
FROM generate_series(1,10) AS s(i);

FILTER is much like WHERE, except that it removes rows only from the input of the particular aggregate function that it is attached to. Here, the count aggregate counts only rows with temp_lo below 45; but the max aggregate is still applied to all rows, so it still finds the reading of 46. — Aggregate Functions

aggregate_name (expression [ , ... ] [ order_by_clause ] ) [ FILTER ( WHERE filter_clause ) ]
aggregate_name (ALL expression [ , ... ] [ order_by_clause ] ) [ FILTER ( WHERE filter_clause ) ]
aggregate_name (DISTINCT expression [ , ... ] [ order_by_clause ] ) [ FILTER ( WHERE filter_clause ) ]
aggregate_name ( * ) [ FILTER ( WHERE filter_clause ) ]
aggregate_name ( [ expression [ , ... ] ] ) WITHIN GROUP ( order_by_clause ) [ FILTER ( WHERE filter_clause ) ]